Thursday, 19 March 2009

TOURISM IN MATOSINHOS - work done by the class CEF - T2 Adm+Apf from E.B. 2,3 de PERAFITA

Hello everybody!
My students have already finished their study on "Tourism in Matosinhos". Take a look at the pictures taken while they were working inside school and when they went to the travel agencies. The PowerPoint is posted .
We hope you enjoy it and that it will be useful when choosing your next holidays destination.
Class: CEF T2 Adm+Apf (Ana; Elisabete; Vanessa; João; André; Liliana; Joana; Filipe; Henrique; Cristiana; Daniela; Patrícia V.; Filipa; Patrícia S.;Daniela G.; Vera; Vanessa; Hélder; Sofia)
Teachers: Manuela Galante, Marília Henriques, Adelaide Ribeiro and Celestina Silva.


1st GL of Hania, Spiros said...
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1st GL of Hania, Spiros said...

Great job.
Congratulation to students and of course to their inspired teachers.
But I couldn't find the pps file.
Greetings to all of you from Hania.

Susanne said...

My group is just preparing interviews with hotel managers and I showed them the students in Matosinhos doing similar works. Great feeling to see young people in schools across Europe working for the same target.
Greetings to all of you from Klosterneuburg


Hi Dear Friends!
Sorry, I thought I had it posted. I will take care of it asap.
Take care,


I uploaded it. Just klick the link.
Maybe, with yours version of powerpoint, works. If it does not Manuela send me please the file again.
Big hug to all of you.


Hi Spiros,
You are a dear, you came in rescue of a desperate lady handling with these "computer things". Thank you!
I could open it! It is ok! Let me hear about the others to see if they could open the PP!
Have a nice weekend,
Manuela Galante

Manuela Galante said...

Hi teacher!
We liked the photos and also liked participating in this project.
Have a nice meeting in Turkey.
Elizabete and Bárbara