Wednesday, 27 May 2009

Hello everybody!
Our 8th A and 8th C students (14 year-olds) decided to show you a bit of our traditional folk songs.
This is a part of the "Getting to know each other" project inside our COMENIUS, that they have built up.
They coworked with their teachers on this: The PE teacher rehearsed the folk dances (Rita Carneiro), the Arts and Technology teachers helped with the costumes making (Ana Moreira and Teresa Moreira) and the class directors organized the groups (Inês Lopes and Eugénia Costa).
The final product is really very beautiful and very, very good.
All the teachers are very proud of you, dear students! Congratulations to all !
When you work in a team everything is easier and much more rewarding!
Take a look and enjoy!
Manuela Galante

This dance comes from MADEIRA ( one of the Portuguese Islands in the Atlantic Ocean ) and as most of the folk dances, it represents part of the farming habits of each region. If you search the web for "Bailinho da Madeira" you will find out more about it and our beautiful archipelago - MADEIRA and PORTO SANTO.

I will post 8th A film in another message!

Sorry, but I won´t be able to do that - the video clip is too heavy - I will send it to each partner by mail as soon as possible, ok? Sorry kids!

These dances are very common in the North of Portugal (MINHO) and each costume represents someone with a different role in the farming community. In the past, people would dance "Malhão" during harvest time. These folk dances are still very popular in all kinds of shows and local festivities, especially in the summer. Portugal has got a very strong tradition in Associativism and these folk groups are scattered all over Portugal (We even had one at our school composed by teachers and janitors. It was really fun!).

Monday, 18 May 2009

Here are some of the nice pictures I took in Alaçati, Çesme in Turkey.

The meeting

The windsurf

A school desk at the Primary School

The secondary school - our partner

Welcoming greetings at a classroom

The food - nham, nham!

The food, again!

A nice postcard done by the Turkish Friends
Hope you´ve enjoyed these pics! It is just a tiny sample of what Turkey has to offer us!
Take care,
Manuela G.

Thursday, 14 May 2009

Work of 1st Gen. L. of Hania students

Uploaded on authorSTREAM by alkmel


Hello Dear Friends,
Still in our memories the good times we spent at Cesme.
What a fine group we are!
Ertugrul, you have been quite a host! Thanks again!

As you remember, due to technical difficulties in Turkey, it was not possible to open the video that was done by Graça and her 5th and 6th grade students - "A postcard from Portugal".
Graça decided to ask her son to help her posting it in our blog. In no time it will be posted, for sure!
And remember - Portugal is waiting for your visit! Such a small country but with so much diversity!

Take care,
Manuela Galante

Wednesday, 13 May 2009

Jo's pictures of meetings of our project

Just a quick note to let you know I have put photos from the Portugal, Crete and Turkey visits on this website: The password to view them is 'comenius'.
Our students are still talking about their amazing trip to Turkey - it has made a lasting impression on them and given them memories that will last a long time.
Warm greetings to you all,

Wide Horizons 3rd Alacati Meeting

Hi Everybody

I'd like to thank you once more for your participation in the 3rd meeting in Alacati ,Izmir , Turkiye.

We had unforgetable moments together. A slide show on the memory of Alacati Meeting.

Hope to see you.



Friday, 8 May 2009

Year 7 Showcase

Hello all,

Before I say anything else, I must offer thanks on behalf of all of our English group to Ertugrul and his colleagues and students for the wonderful hospitality we received during our stay in Turkey, we will never forget our visit.

Part of the work in our school for Comenius is being done by our youngest students in year 7 (11-12 years old). They have been enthusiastically working for several weeks to prepare for a showcase/exhibition on the various Comenius partner countries. Here are some photos of their stands, which included information on the tourism, food, history and traditions of the different countries.

Best wishes,

Thursday, 7 May 2009

Thank you Ertugrul

Thank you for your very warm hospitality.

The part of Greek team of Comenius project that visited Alacati.

Wednesday, 6 May 2009

Excellent meeting!

The students and teachers from Klosterneuburg want to thank our turkish friends in Alacati for the wonderful days. Everything was great: the hotel, the windsurfing area, the sights, the villages and towns and most important - the warm hospitality.

We want to thank you for the organisation of such a big meeting with so many students and teachers from all our Comenius partners.

I think Ramazan and Ertugrul did a fantastic job and contributed a lot to the sucsess of the project "Wide horizons".

Lots of greetings from
Susan, Marlies and Ali